This website was developed to afford the information necessary to apply ACCESS FM effectively and provide you the Original ACCESS FM Version for free.
I believe that with the correct guidance you can present ACCESS FM to students from all key stages up to degree level or teachers if you like. The trick is in the pitch, the sell of the idea, master that and you’re flying. A good analysis or idea development lesson will also depend on the objects and resources you choose – so you will find my product and book recommendations, along links to purchase, here on my website.
I offer a range of tried and tested tools, developed over 25 years, which will help you integrate ACCESS FM into your classroom. New for 2025, I have decided to showcase, promote and review some of the very best ACCESS FM online resources produced by teachers for teachers – so keep any eye out for this exciting feature coming very soon.
Accessfm.com is now officially associated with a large number of prestigious education course providers, resource creators, exam boards, design foundations and publishing houses across the globe. Here’s looking forward to another successful year in 2025.
Spencer Herbert